Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Week 24 & 25

Week 24 
I did the glucose test thing this week - I didn't pass out when she took my blood! But I can't think about it for too long or my head gets dizzy and my arms go numb. I hate getting my blood drawn and being pricked with needles. Freaks me out! Thankfully I don't have to go back for the long test since I do not have gestational diabetes... thank goodness! 
 Week 25 and 4 days 
I feel like in my week 24 picture I look bigger but I did take that after lunch :) Gotta feed that baby! I'm surprised I have absolutely no cravings at all - more like food aversions but nothing in particular. When I'm not hungry there is absolutely nothing that would sound appetizing  and when I'm hungry I have to be in the mood for what I'm eating or ICK! 

Jackson is moving around like crazy - I cannot believe how strong his kicks are already. At night it's like I have a ninja in there. 

I haven't been as sick lately! Praise God! I'm now just dealing with queasiness a little but every day and horrible heartburn but I'll take that over loosing everything I put in my mouth. 

I feel like this has been a good pregnancy  other than the sickness part. I haven't had any crazy mood swings, no crazy baby dreams, though I feel like a planet I haven't gained much weight, and I'm not craving anything crazy like pickles and ice cream. :) 

The highlight this week would be we registered for baby stuff! Registering is so much fun! 


  1. You look great! Your belly definitely looks bigger in the 24 week picture! Maybe it's just your clothes. It's hard to believe I'm gonna have a big belly in 10 weeks. Glad you made it through the glucose test. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. So happy you're not sick!!! I threw up for the first time in both my pregnancies this morning and instantly thought of you and felt so sorry for you that you threw up a lot. Ick. Where did you register? love love

  2. You get baby bump #2!! That is so exciting - although I'm sure Mae won't be too happy when her momma won't pick her up any more. Oh yeah, I feel your pain - I threw up every single day for 5 months... now my just dealing with the feeling of lava in my throat at almost all times. I'm so glad I don't have heartburn normally... that would be awful! We registered at Target and Babies R Us. :)

    I saw your Dad, Harrison, and Jake last night... oh how I wish you could have been there! My baby shower is on August 19... maybe you, Megan, and Mae can come down for a visit then or any time actually!

  3. You are so gorgeous!!!!!!!! I am so glad you are feeling better. I've been praying for you and sweet baby Jackson.
    Registering for baby stuff sounds soo fun.

    Your baby shower is perfectly timed!!! I'll be in Charlotte for Botox on August 20th. Let me try and coordinate a ride down.
    Love you dear.


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