Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Catching Up

Oh my goodness... I don't think we have ever been on the go more than the past month!

June consisted of Student Life Camp... 3 days home... Michael's cousin Haley's wedding in VA...VBS...and then the beach for a week. Craziness absolute craziness! Now we are home in Georgia for a long time. No more traveling is expected until after baby - that will be an adventure.

Here I am 19 weeks at camp :)

Here is 20 weeks. I felt Jackson moving around for the first time during this week! At 1st it was hard to tell what what exactly it was but after a few days of the same thing I decided it was him! Now I feel him all the time :)

Here is 21 weeks and 5 days. Michael got to feel Jackson moving around this week - which was amazing to be able to share that feeling with him. Jackson is kicking around in there a lot especially at night.

I actually got asked in Target how far along I am - that is nice especially since I have felt more fat than pregnant. :)

This me at 22 weeks and 4 days and my new best friend Ben - he took us on a carriage ride in Charleston. I wanted to take him home with my but he wouldn't fit in the Honda seeing as how he was bigger than my car! I really miss that pony. :(

Here I am at the beach - 23 weeks prego! This dress make me look ridiculously pregnant.

Today is 24 weeks - no picture yet. I'll take one tomorrow :) I'll post some pictures of our adventures soon! 


  1. woop woop! Thanks for the update! Your boobs look huge! haha One pregnancy plus, huh? I love getting past the just feeling fat stage. I'm right in the middle of it. This baby is showing much quicker but probably I'm just much more bloated. I'm not sure I'm in a big hurry to get a bump though cause then I won't be able to hold Mae as easily. : ( You look great and thanks for posting more pics. Enjoy the kicks, that is seriously the funnest and coolest part.

  2. You look gorgeous!! Oh baby Jackson, I'm so excited to meet him!

  3. Awe thanks girls! :) I wish I could have seen you guys when you were here. How is it we are always missing each other?! I love you both!


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