So...after much pain and suffering for weeks and months I have discovered my gluten allergy..intolerance...or maybe celiacs. (I'm too cheap to go get tested and I'm not willing to put gluten back into my system) I would feel so sick after eating - full bloated - pain in someone just touching my abdomen - what was wrong with me? I would feel like I ate three thanksgiving dinners after eating a 1/4 cup of oatmeal or a 6in. Subway sandwich. So I called the person I knew who would be able to diagnose me... Mindy! My wonderful, fun, beautiful, all-knowing, grandmother (I just can't call her a grandma because she is Mindy - not your average grandmother :) Who promptly told me I needed to exclude gluten from my diet - test it out and see how I feel in a month. So with much sadness I cut out gluten... after figuring out exactly what gluten is.
Gluten (from Latin gluten "glue") is a protein composite in foods processed from wheat and related species, including barley andrye. It gives elasticity to dough, helping it to rise and to keep its shape, and often giving the final product a chewy texture.
"Helping people get super duper sick...well people like me"
So the weeks and months have gone by without me having a single piece of bread, pizza, sandwich, ect. It's been tough but I have to say I do not miss that sick feeling! Lately I have been pretty bad at being gluten free- almost like I want to prove that I can have some. Let's just say it's not a good idea - my body makes me pay for my stunt later normally within a couple hours and sometimes days afterward.
After an incident this past week of a tongue swelling, throat closing, severe stomach pain (I partook in Michaels birthday cake and a lick of banana bread batter...to be blogged about soon) I have decided that I am going G-free...no more stupid mistakes. After learning more about being gluten free and what gluten does to your body if you are intolerant of it I am actually hurting my body when I eat gluten...causing my body to attack itself. Gluten is everywhere...unexpected places like bacon bits, vinegars, salad dressings... So It's a learning experience.
Welcome into the world of Gluten Free Candace! I'm making my statement, making it real, I'm going G-Free!
This is a great website for those who are interested in cooking gluten free (like myself) and maybe those of you who will have me over for dessert or dinner :) *wink*
So here begins my journey of being a G-Free girl.
Your mom told me about this! I'm sorry that you are going through it but I'm happy you know how to fix it. Whenever I see gluten free things at the store I think of you. : )
ReplyDelete:) Awe thanks! Yeah it's interesting... I look longingly at the fresh baked french bread every time I go shopping! haha I can't wait to see you! I'm so glad you are in Charlotte now!!