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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Week 33 & the Aquarium

Here I am at 33 weeks. Finding something to wear is becoming increasing harder and more frustrating. I just stand in my closet and look hopeless at the clothes hanging there hoping that something new will pop right out of my pinterest board into my hands. So far this has not happened - my to my dismay. Thankfully I'm not going to work everyday - I would be a complete wreck if I needed a cute outfit every day. 

Here are some pictures of what we have been up to here lately. 

Reagan has taken to resting her head on the window sill and watching the world go by. It's so nice to have to windows open - not so nice to have the scare you right out of your seat barking when she sees something... or nothing for that matter. 

Begging... but it's oh so cute begging. :) She army crawls in front of Michael to see if she can impress him enough to get something to eat. This never works since we never ever never feed her from our plates. I'm thinking she learned this wonderful behavior from Boone and Daisy. Thanks guys! 

Here are some pictures from the GA Aquarium. It's a wonderful place - if you haven't gone... go! 

Garrett got a new lens for his camera - he took some amazing pictures. 

This if the 1st time I have seen this - the whales were making bubble rings and playing with them. It was amazing! 

Doesn't he look happy :) 

Here he is blowing a bubble 

They loved playing with this toy - it was pretty cute! 

These sea horses are so beautiful - God is so creative! 

These crazy otters were sitting in ice baths! Brrrr! One of them kept spinning around in it. So cute! 

1 comment:

  1. I love the aquarium!!!!! Otters are the most fun! They seem to live such happy lives. : )


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