Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, May 17, 2012

16 weeks

Well here I am at 16 weeks. :) I feel prego that is for sure, morning sickness isn't as bad but I still tend to loose at least some of of my meals daily. Feeling so sick all the time is awful but it's worth it. I tell myself that every day while I'm hugging the throne.

Thankfully baby let me feel pretty good when we were in Colorado - I didn't loose anything and only felt queasy a couple of times.

Other than that I've missed being able to work out - they tell you that you are fine just jump on in there and do it. Unfortunately, most of the time I try to do my prego workouts I loose my breakfast or lunch! So I'm just going to ignore my ever softening legs and arms...or try to. :)

We find out next week what we are having!! I'm so so so excited. I'm ready to buy some baby stuff!

Here are some stats on our little one.

 - Baby is listening to my voice, thanks to tiny bones forming in his/her ears.

 - Baby is growing growing hair, lashes and eyebrows.
 - And  forming taste buds
 - Baby is capable of making a few expressive frowns and squints
 - Eyes are finally working, making small side-to-side movements and perceiving light 



          1. Yay! I'm so happy you're doing another pregnancy post. I love these! : )

            You look great! No bump yet! I bet you'll "pop" soon. : )

            I'm hoping to come to Atlanta when my mom comes in a couple weeks. I'd love to see you and talk baby!

          2. :) I know it... I feel like I should be bigger than I am. I have definitely lost my flat stomach though... it's pouchy. lol

            YES! Let me know what the dates are and we will come up that weekend! I hope it's near the end of June because we are out of town until the last two weeks of June. We have camp and then a VA wedding.

          3. I think we'd be coming the 29th through June 2nd. Will you be in town!? (fingers crossed)


          Your Pearls