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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A few photos

This has been a whirlwind of the last few days! But here are the highlights...except for Justin and Meagan's wedding I didn't manage to snap a pic! Boo on me!

We watched Lady and the Tramp. I cried. It was beautiful. 
Oh yes, I ran out to the RedBox on Saturday to get Breaking Dawn. I refuse to buy it until the next one comes out. Combo packs save money :) Michael watched it with me...he made fun of it the entire time. I do understand that absolute ridiculousness of the wolf scene - dear lord it's bad. 
Best part about Valentines Day - CANDY HEARTS! Sad note...they are processed in a plant that processes wheat. I will limit myself to having a few since I'm not sure how this will affect but stupid gluten allergy. But I simply cannot go without a candy heart on Valentines Day. 


  1. yay! you're blogging again! Looks like you had a great v-day. I hope to see you soon. It's been way way way too long!

  2. Lady in the Tramp was wonderful. I just bought it and almost cried. When she gets locked in the pound it is so sad. I'm waiting to buy Breaking Dawn till the combo pack too.


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