Life has been pretty crazy these last couple of weeks - I'll be thankful for the calming down someday. though that day is not anytime soon. So here is a quick recap of our lives here lately
- We had a busy Easter weekend full of Easter egg coloring, church, family dinner - and I made time to make a delicious peanut butter pie! Even though I cannot eat this delicious pie... darn gluten! You can tell the different in the easter basket from my mom this year... yes those are gluten free noodles in my easter basket :)
- It turns out that we have a little zoo in our backyard... well a deer zoo. :) We have our little friends come visit us almost every day! The other day we actually had a fox back there - I wanted to catch it and keep him as a pet but I don't think the apartment would have been very happy. Although I don't think the apartment has a rule about foxes as pets... maybe I should try it?
- Our youth are just flourishing both in numbersand their spiritual walk! It is great to see our youth actually take a hold of what Christ has for them! :) This time last year we had 4 youth coming on Wednesday night and now we are pushing 45! God has truly blessed Michael and I's ministry there - we have sucha wonderful time getting to hang out with them and being there for them when they need someone to lean on. We love these kids!!
- The grand finale is finally here and gone! GRADUATION! Michael is done with his second degree - A Masters in Religion. I have to say I am so very proud of him - it's been a tough year of school, work, school, school, and more school but he did it and it's finally over! It's going to be nice to actually come home and spend the evenings together with no homework getting in the way!

- The graduation weekend was wonderful - it was great to be able to spend time with my family after a 2 month separation. that is just too long - it's been hard not being able to spend time with them. It was wonderful to watch Kris and Michael get their diplomas! I'm so proud of my little brother - graduating in two years with a major and a minor! :) My heart hurts just thinking about him not being up here anymore though - I miss him already. But all good things must come to an end...even if we don't want them too.
- With school finally done we are able to get out on the lake with a kayaks! We are loving summertime :) This is Michael trying his out in the living room! haha
- Going home to Georgia was wonderful! We had a great time relaxing, playing in the pool, going out on the boat, and just hanging with the family. Man, going home makes you miss it soo much! It's nice to have something to mis so much tough.
- We finally went camping last weekend! It was great - as soon as we got there the Park Ranger told us a black bear has made home in the campground and he as just walked by him so we better be careful! Well of course that meant that I wanted to find that bear!! I felt like we were back in Yellowstone bear searching :) especially since we never saw that stupid bear!!
- Got a new work out dvd Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30! LOVE IT! Because I work out so much I have to do two workouts in a row... but seriously great dvd! Buy it - you won't be sorry!
- Got a new bedspread for summer! It's wonderful!
- Our 1 year anniversary will get it's own post :)
Okay that is enough for now :) you are pretty updated