"I believe the nicest and sweetest days are not those on which anything very splendid or wonderful or exciting happens, but just those that bring simple little pleasures, following one another softly, like pearls slipping off a string." — L.M. Montgomery
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Hamish And Andy - Personal Space Invaders
Monday, September 27, 2010
Ah relaxation...
We have had to settle in to learning how to keep our plants alive. Andie Anderson from How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days would be appalled.
"Our love fern! You let it die!
- No, honey, it's just sleeping"
Our love... mums have persevered through this learning period and are now nicely potted and growing again. Thank goodness out love mum are not dead! I have decided that since I cannot have a puppy or a baby at this point in my life I will love my plants as such. :) A girl has to have something to take care of right... other than my husband of course!
Here is our beautiful back porch - thanks to Michael who potted our plants!

I find the most satisfaction in baking - I have learned that I am a great baker of delicious cupcakes and cake but there is still Michael's favorite that brings joy to our hearts - Apple Crisp. We usually only eat this during fall since apples are in season so I made the first apple crisp of the season on Saturday and it was delicious, like spoonful of fall.
The beginnings.

Needless to say we love our apple crisp!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Autumn Breeze
Ahh what a glorious refreshing lunch break I had today. Though it did not feel like the first day of fall - it is too hot to call today a truly fall'ish' day - I enjoyed a breeze that the spirit of fall was riding on. What else would I do other than read Anne of the Island on such a day as the first day of Fall? I knew I made the right decision to download the book to my phone when I read the 1st chapter which starts with this quote...
But everything in the landscape around them spoke of autumn. The sea was roaring hollowly in the distance, the fields were bare and sere, scarfed with golden rod, the brook valley below Green Gables overflowed with asters of ethereal purple, and the Lake of Shining Waters was blue -- blue -- blue; not the changeful blue of spring, nor the pale azure of summer, but a clear, steadfast, serene blue, as if the water were past all moods and tenses of emotion and had settled down to a tranquility unbroken by fickle dreams.
How very perfect for a day such as today - yes, the Lynchburg landscape is not speaking of autumn quite yet but my spirit is ready for it. Ready for the clear blue skies, bright fire colored trees, and the crisp air - once the weather is here I will truly be able to appreciate and savor a Pumpkin Spice Latte.
It's amazing how my spirits can be lifted by reading a little bit of Anne - it's like coming home.
"I wonder if it will be - can be - any more beautiful that this." murmured Anne, looking around her with the loving, enraptured eyes of those to whom "home" must always be the loveliest spot in the world, no matter what fairer lands may lie under alien stars.
I don't believe there will ever be a book that makes me feel more 'at home' that Anne.